CNI News

27 September 2023

The Pa-O National Federal Council (PNFC) drafted the constitution of the Pa-O State for the emergence of the Pa-O State, said Khun Wai Tun, secretary-2 of the PNFC, to CNI News. 

In the establishment of the federal democratic union, the Pa-O have aimed the Pa-O State to participate as a state of the union, he said.

 " The aim of various ethnic forces taking part in the Spring Revolution is to end the dictatorship and build a federal democratic union. In the establishment of the federal democratic union which will made up of many states, as a member state of the union, according to the federal policies based on political and racial equality, anticipating for the emergence of Pao State, we draft the constitution as a preparation process" said Khun Wai Tun.

The formation of Pa-O State would mainly include the regions in southern Shan State and other regions where Pa-O nationalities live, including Thaton region in Mon state would become national region or a self-administrative area, etc. 

Khun Myint Tun, chairman of the Pa-O National Federal Council

However, they would perform in accordance with the desire of the Pa-O people, he added. 

The ultimate political goal of the Pa-O people is the emergence of Pa-O state which fully guarantees national equality and self-determination, said in the statement released in commemoration of the Pa-O National Martyrdom Day that fell on 24th September. 

Moreover, the PNFC decided to implement the drafting processes of the Pa-O State constitution and the designation of the Pa-O national regions, said in the statement.

The office of the Pao Autonomous Region

Other ethnic groups have also demanded to form a state of their own and it would be carried out in accordance with the constitution, said Sai Ai Pao, chairman of the Shan Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP), to CNI News.

" Shanni is trying to build Shanni State after gating its regions in Sagaing Region and Kachin State. Wa also is demanding to form Wa State. They will be in accordance with the constitution. According to the constitution, a referendum will be held. So, it's not that easy." he said.

Shanni, Ta'ang and Wa including Pa-O are demanding to form the states of their own. 

Currently, Myanmar is made up of seven regions, seven states, five autonomous regions, one self-administered division and one Naypyidaw union territory