CNI News

26 September 2023

Myanmar vendors in Mae Sot, a Thai city on the Thai-Myanmar border, are being strictly checked and arrests have increased, said Mae Sot residents. 

Many Myanmar vendors have been arrested between August and September reportedly. 

Moreover, more security forces have been deployed at the border gates where could be easily entered and left and more patrols are also seen in the barracks where Myanmar nationals live, said Ko Thar Gyi, one of the people who are helping Myanmar migrant workers in Mae Sot, to CNI News.

While Thai policemen have arrested Myanmar nationals who sell goods

" Since an explosion took place on the Myanmar side about three weeks ago, Thai border security has been tightened up to now. In the past during the period of over eight or nine years that the army that couped took responsibility, Indian, Chinese nationals including Myanmar stood as business people opening KTV, restaurants, stores and other businesses after paying the local authorities for monthly permit fees. But at this border, many goods imported from Myanmar by Myanmar shop owners are included in the goods that have not been allowed to import or do not pay the duty. For example, tobacco that is put in betel nut is not allowed to import officially. The goods like this were being traded after paying monthly fee. But after the election, some departments don't know the monthly fee. These departmental officials came to this territory without knowing that. And then, they seized illegal goods." said Ko Thar Gyi.

Four Myanmar selling goods on the side of Mae Sot of the Mae Sot-Myawady Friendship Bridge No.1 were arrested on 18th September, said Thai immigration department. 

Moreover, the passengers on the buses which will depart from Mae Sot or enter Mae Sot are being checked whether they have passports and other necessary documents reportedly.

While Thai policemen have arrested Myanmar nationals who sell goods

 At present, those who have registered in the name list have been allowed to stay until the end of September and later, checks and arrests could increase, said an official from IBECSWO, a social assistance association, to CNI News.

" After the end of this month, arrests will be everywhere because the Thai authorities are checking whether migrant workers are documented or undocumented. At present, a lot of Myanmar nationals are entering Thailand. Illegal Myanmar migrant workers have increased quite a lot. Those who have registered in the name list have been legal. Another thing they have to do is to apply for CI (certificate of identity) books." said Mizzima Ko Thar Gyi from IBECSWO.

Thai government tends to issue pink cards for work permit for illegal migrant workers. 

Myanmar government is providing service in Myawady and Kawthaung to Myanmar migrant workers whose four year MoU term has been expired with U-Turn system which will take four days only to enable them to re-enter their workplaces.

Moreover, those who want to renew passports and apply for new passports can come and carry out at the embassy in person without making any appointments.