CNI News

14 September 2023

Although Vietnam has offered to buy 10,000 tons of sugar from Myanmar, the sugar will be exported to it next year, as giving a priority to the domestic consumption, according to the Myanmar Sugar and Cane Related Products Association.

Myanmar has received offers from many countries to buy Myanmar sugar while the current price of sugar is high and the sugar will be exported to those countries, weighing the amount of sugar that will be yielded later in the sugarcane season, said U Win Htay, vice chairman of the Myanmar Sugar and Cane Related Products Association, to CNI News.

Sugarcane peasants

" We have received offers from many countries. We can't sell for the time being. We can sell in the 2023-2024. 10,000 tons of sugar that Vietnam has offered will be exported in the coming sugarcane season as a priority. We'll have to negotiate the offers in October and November. We'll start exporting in late December, January and February." he said. 

Vietnam is the country that buys Myanmar sugar most and about 90,000 tons of Myanmar sugar has been exported to that country this year reportedly.

2023 - 2024 sugar export will be more than this year, said a sugar trader to CNI News.

While making sugar

" Sugar mills have already estimated the sugar yield by now. They are making a quota how many tons they will sell in the domestic market and how many tons they will export abroad. I'm sure 2023-2024 sugar yield will be more than this year." he said.

Currently, there are more than 50,000 tons of sugar left in the country and that amount is enough before new sugar comes out, according to the Myanmar Sugar and Cane Related Products Association. 

Myanmar produces more than 450,000 tons of sugar per year and domestic consumption is over 300,000 tons, and surplus sugar is exported to Vietnam. and the Philippines and China.