CNI News

14 September 2023

The Tatmadaw and militia forces have conducted more checks, said Tar Aleik, head of Muse Township of the Ta,ang National Liberation Army, to CNI News. 

More checks are being mainly conducted on the main road and in the streets of Muse and the people there are also not convenient in the economy, he said.

" For the time being, they ( the Tatmadaw) are always active. We haven't found anything different. But downtown is being toughly checked. Militias are also used. If the innocent people don't know how to speak, they are punched and beaten. During the period when the battles were breaking out, if you went downtown Muse by car, they would ask you 30,000 kyats. All the cars that are going in the town from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. are arrested. At present, if you go downtown or on the main road, you won't be convenient. When the people are not convenient in the economy, that they do like this worsens the situation." said Tar Aleik.

Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing meeting with the militia leaders of northern Shan State

The battles between the Tatmadaw and the TNLA had broken out again in northern Shan State since early August. 

But he had not heard that checks were being more conducted in Muse, said a truck driver to CNI News.

" I heard nothing about it because I'm at 5 mile. There are no checks at 5 mile and 105 mile. We are going. But we have to pay some money along the way." he said. 

TNLA Force

There has been no longer military tension between the Tatmadaw and the TNLA in Muse Township for the time being, said Tar Aleik.

" Sometimes they start fighting. We stay where we are. There is no fighting during the past few days. They opened fire randomly towards where we are about one week ago day and night. We are cleaning up the unexploded ordnance that they fired in the village." he said.

More battles ensued between the Tatmadaw and the TNLA/PDF joint forces in Muse, Namkham and Kutkai in northern Shan State, and around Mogok and Nawnghkio near Mandalay Region during the past week.