CNI News

4 September 2023

The National Unity Government (NUG) must organize revolutionary forces to be united, said U Kyee Myint, a Myanmar political analyst, to CNI News.

Sort of people who want to show their power over the people as soon as they have weapon, forgetting the main intention of the revolution - they tend to be included in the revolution. 

So, the people are worried about it that he heard, said Mahn Win Khine Than, Prime Minister of the National Unity Government on 29th August, 2023.

U Mahn Win Khine Than

These cases must be field inspected by the NUG and it must provide ( the revolutionary forces) with their necessities, said U Kyee Myint. 
" Mahn Win Khine Than (and his colleagues) have to sit and pay respect to those who revolutionize, holding weapons. All they have to do is organize revolutionary forces to be united and field inspection must be done. They must provide the forces with arms or food. Can they fight, holding guns? The military dictator pays respect to those who are fighting against him, holding guns. He doesn't pay respect to the government that is fighting against him with words. Tell Mahn Win Khine Than, please. It is what I said." said U Kyee Myint.

It is necessary to solve the problems that must be solved carefully before they grow bigger. And the ministries must have good chains of command, compliance with the rules, cooperation and compact groups. Moreover, if there were problems, it would be important to solve quickly, said Mahn Win Khine Than.

The NUG needs to gather armed organizations in the mainland that are waging the current revolution, said Paul, spokesperson of the Chbin State Joint Defense Committee, to CNI.

" The NUG can control the main PDFs because it can provide them with food and arms. Bullying the people doesn't mean which organization is bullying. It is the main problem of being unable to gather armed organizations systematically, I think. The NUG might be weak in better gathering for the responsibility and accountability." he said.

the People's Defense Force

The NUG must deal with disagreements between the NUG-controlled PDFs and some local defense forces, said U Kyee Myint.

" This is their (NUG's) responsibility, too. Naing Htoo Aung and Aung Swe were wrong in tackling the problem. Those guys (local defense forces) have been fighting against the military council since they didn't have anything. Only when the military dictator becomes so much worried, they donate for the forces and spend for themselves. When the NUG receive international and the people's support, some NUG officials want to deal from above. Yi Mon, Maung Aung Swe, and especially Naing Htoo Aung don't have any history.  They don't know a lot and when they hold higher positions, they want to deal with LDFs from above. It is their mistake. The one with the upper hand must be sweeter and gentle. And they must perform for unity and organize. They don't have to crush down the LDFs, using power." said U Kyee Myint. 

With the political landscape changed after 1st February, 2021, the People's Defense Forces and the Local Defense Forces arose by the hundred with the democratic movements.

The NUG needs to gather the organizations that are moving separately, according to the conversations among the political circles.