CNI News
 2 September  2023

The national census-taking will be conducted in 2024 and only after the census is taken in the whole country, a general election can be held, said Maj-Gen Min Hlaing.

He said that above at the meeting (3/2023) of the State Administration Council held on 1st September, 2023.

Their ultimate goal was to be able to hold the election, so they would have to carry out in order to make the whole country stable and peaceful so that a free and fair multi-party democratic general election could be held. Moreover, voting lists must be re-collected to make the basic ballot information correct so that everyone who has the right to vote can vote, said chairman of the SAC.

" We must emphatically carry out to make the vote lists correct for the coming election and make necessary preparations later in 2023. Moreover, national census-taking will be conducted and only after taking the census all over the country, vote lists could be registered. So, we must continue to collect the ballots in full. If only we can collect full ballots, we will be able to hold the election correctly." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

A person looking at the vote list

Although an election could be held in any way, they would have to emphatically carry out to make the election that they would hold an orderly general election and to strengthen a democratic system, he said.

" We are performing in advance to enable everyone that has rights to vote to vote systematically and correctly so that a free and fair election can be held. Moreover, we'll carry out to use an electronic voting system so as to be able to vote systematically." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

Moreover, necessary laws would be enacted to make the matters relating to political parties systematic, he said.

Although Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing said in the past that the election would be held in 2023, the election would not be able to be held due to instabilities.

As Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing said that census-taking would be conducted in 2024, the election could be held in 2025, said political analysts.