CNI News

19 August 2023

It is necessary to show that political means can produce good results without applying armed means, said U Ko Ko Gyi, chairman of the People's Party (PP) to CNI News.

Armed means will go on being strong as long as it can't prove that political means can produce good results, he said.

" When we solve the armed problem,  if one side that doesn't apply armed means can't prove that political means can produce good results, it purposely pushes to make the idea that the armed means must be applied more strong. What I want to say that the idea that will put down the armed conflict is not sufficient. If you can prove the political means can produce good results, armed means will automatically be weak. It's related to the political vision, I think." said U Ko Ko Gyi.


Armed conflicts that have occurred since Myanmar gained her independence in 1948 have not been able to solve for 75 years. 
Democratic elements started waging armed revolution after the Tatmadaw took power on 1st February 2021.
All the organizations need to strive with a good will so as to solve the current crises, said Daw Saw Mya Raza Lin, chairperson of the Arakan Liberation Party to CNI News.

Lt-Gen Yar Pyae

" After the Tatmadaw took power, the Spring Revolution arose. Then problems and deadly things that were never expected happened. They are still happening as well. EAOs and people who are accepted by both sides and deserve to be included need to be included in the political talks. We' need to discuss intensively. All the organizations need to strive with a good will to make this country peaceful so that we can launch a case of peace, I expect." she said.

Due to the current armed conflicts in the country, political, economic, health and education sectors are in crisis. Some EAOs and international organizations including ASEAN are striving to solve these conflicts.