CNI News

August 14, 2023

The All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF) accepted the announcement of the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) and the National Unity Government that a multi-ethnic federal army would be built, said Yebaw Aye Lwin, spokesperson of ABSDF to CNI News.

If a federal union was built in the future, an army that is consistent with the union would be built, he said.

" If we build a democratic federal union, there must be the federal army that is consistent with the union that we have accepted. We'll have to consider how the defense sector will be re-built. When we consider, PDFs and EAOs must be included in the federal army. In short, we need to carry out carefully when we re-build one of the most important sectors." he said.

A meeting of NUG and NUCC

The multi-ethnic federal army that will unconditionally abide by the civilian government's management and that bears only the duty of defense against foreign enemies in the future democratic federal union will be built, said in a statement released by the the NUCC and the NUG on the 6th August of 2023. 

Having built a federal union army, the movement that will topple down the current State Administration Council will come in the near future, said U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar politic analyst to CNI News.


" An army is essential to a country. That army needs to obey to the federal union government. So, when it's very drawing near to build the federal union, they prepare to build the federal army, I think. Now NUG has over 300 battalions and 250 regional security groups. And various EAOs have collaborated with NUG. Having built a federal union army after gathering all these forces, the movement that will terminate the military council will come soon." he said.

Because there are armed organizations by the hundred, which arose from the political landscape after February 2021 before which various EAOs had already existed, it might be difficult to form the federal union army, said the people from the political community. Currently, battles are breaking out between the Tatmadaw and some EAOs/PDF joint forces in Kayin, Kayah, Chin States, Magway and Sagaing Regions.