CNI News

14 August 2023

Migrant workers including Myanmar workers who have registered in the name list at the end of July in Thailand are allowed to stay until the end of September, those who are helping migrant workers said to CNI News. 

But currently, because brokers are saying that migrant workers are allowed to register in the name list any more, migrant workers should not believe that, said Ko Thar Gyi helping Myanmar migrant workers to CNI News.

" At present the news is out that people who have not registered in the name list can register. It is what brokers lie. Those who have not registered in the name list are not allowed. 

Those who have registered only are allowed to stay until September.Before that, if the government changes something, work permits will be issued any more. When Thailand is not ready to form a new government,migrant workers have been allowed to stay in Thailand until September with the name list, I think. The period for submitting evidence has been closed. Some migrant workers who left behind without registering in the name list might be able to register, paying a lot of money through Thai brokers or agents who get on well with Thai companies and Thai ministry of labor That migrant workers who have registered in the name list are allowed until September, it's kind of issuing work permits during that period. For example, will work permits be issued as smart cards? Will the cards called the pink cards be issued? It's not sure. So, Thai authorities put off the time until a new government has been formed, I think." he said. 

Thai security force

There were inspections and arrests since before the period of nomination and they still exist after the period of nomination reportedly.

Migrant workers with MoU expired are not included in those who are allowed to stay until September reportedly. 

Relevant officials have stated they would perform to enable Myanmar migrant workers with a full four year term of MoU to re-enter Thailand under the U-turn program conducted before the Covid-19 pandemic, said U Min Oo, workers in charge from FED to CNI News. 

" After the meeting between Thailand and Myanmar.The Myanmar side also released the news. Thailand also released the news. There are two groups - a 4 year group and 6 year group. Workers from the 6 year group must return. 4 year workers are called U-turn. They had to go to the border especially Maesot-Myawady in the past and renew the MoU with agencies and re-enter Thailand and their employers recalled. This is called a U-turn. But time and money are not convenient to do such a thing.It took time. If you do such a thing, your work also can be damaged. So, most migrant workers will register in the list of new workers. New worker list applies to MoU workers, non-MoU workers and any kind of worker. In any case, they will do this, I think." he said.

Some Myanmar migrant workers are overstaying without going back to Myanmar although their passports had one year term left, that Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok released a statement a few days ago. 

So, Myanmar migrant workers could apply for new passports from 31st July on after paying the designated fine and the fine such as one for passport loss or damage was 3,650 bahts, said in the statement.