CNI News

24 July 2023

Online sale business has been designated as a critical service and any one who will do the business of online sales must apply for registration, said in a statement released by the Ministry of Commerce on 21st July. 
Due to registration, although there is a reliability for sellers and buyers, it's not convenient for small-scale sellers online without having a big store and fee for registration should be designated at a rate of not too much expense, said Ma Yadi from San Thit clothing dealer, to CNI News.

" Some online shops are quite large and it's convenient for them to register. But small scale sellers through online like us who don't have big shops and many staff aren't convenient to register. We'll register if the fee for registration is not much expensive. We feel registration is reliable." she said.

 Hnine Shin Myint Mo selling online

Sellers online need to register and if sellers online without business registration are found, they will be taken action against under the Section 5 of the Essential Goods and Services Act, said the Ministry of Commerce in its statement. 
Because frauds have increased in online sales, it should be tackled, said U Thet Zaw, an economic analyst to CNI News.

 Htet Htet Moe Oo selling online

" To tell you frankly, frauds have increased in the online business. They said it's cash on delivery, but buyers have to pay in advance through KBZ Pay. Although buyers have paid  already through K Pay, the goods didn't arrive. In any case, buyers can ask sellers online to show online registration. If only buyers see online registration, they can reliably transfer the money. So, violators can be easily taken actions against. There should be registration. The government get the tax and at the same time, customer side is safe as well." he said.  

If online business is conducted after applying for registration, there will be mutual trust between sellers and buyers, said online shoppers. Officials should carry out field inspection of online sales so that frauds can be tackled, said shoppers and sellers through online.