CNI News

22 July 2023

The State Administration Council probably will hold a peace conference, overtaking the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), said Dr. Aye Maung, chairman of the Arakan Front Party,to CNI News. 

If the peace conference is held based on the NCA, NCA non-signatories will not be able to attend. So, the SAC will probably hold the peace conference, overtaking the NCA, he said.

NSPNC was discussing with UWSA, SSPP,and NDAA on 20th July, 2023

" According to the current situation, will the SAC extend the state of emergency for another six months? If it extends, will the SAC's political ambition and the political ambitions of EAOs (ethnic armed organizations) be discussed, overtaking the NCA? If the conference is held within the framework of NCA, Wa and Myla have to sign on the NCA so that they can attend the conference. And there must be Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. According the Agreement, if only there are an elected government, an elected Hluttaw, they need to approve the result coming from the peace conference. And then the constitution can be amended. The process takes long. When the NSPNC is meeting with two EAOs or Three EAOs or five EAOs, a peace conference led by the Tatmadaw probably will be held after inviting all stakeholders. And then, are they leading to a new constitution? If so, the peace conference may be main. It's thinking about overtaking the 2008 constitution. Maybe let's think about overtaking the NCA." he said.

Currently the SAC and some EAOs are holding peace talks in which the fact that a union peace conference will be held is included reportedly. 
Although the union peace conference was held under the previous civilian governments, it didn't have much effect, said a politician. 
If you want to make the country peaceful, you must carry out everything can make peace, said Daw Saw Mya Raza Lin, chairperson of the Arakan Liberation Party to CNI News.

U Thein Sein was delivering a speech at the Union Peace Conference

" We are trying to make peace with NCA signatories and we also should talk with the NCA non-signatories. How many times we say that we will walk on the NCA route, there are different views among our EAOs. At a time like this, family members are different from one another in view. But if we want to make our country peaceful, we must create every situation that can make peace." she said.

The Union Peace Conference was held under the government led by President U Thein Sein in 2016 for the first time and the conference was held under the government led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in August, 2020 for the last time.