CNI News

July 21, 2023

Because the number of jobless people, including Myanmar, who have arrived in Malaysia has increased, the arrest and investigation by the authorities have been more than before, said those who are staying in Malaysia to CNI News. 
Although the arrests include planned arrests, the arrests are mainly due to complaints from Malaysians to the authorities, said Hmwar Michael helping Myanmar citizens in Malaysia, to CNI News.

"Unemployed people are walking in groups on the street. Many Myanmar people have entered Malaysia as well. There are also many overstayers. As they are jobless, they go to Myanmar shops and go home. Malaysians complain to authorities. For example, if Malaysians in a ward complain, the authorities will enter that ward and arrest. There are many complaints. They are arresting illegal migrants in the place where is complained. Myanmar nationals who entered this country have doubled, so the rich in this country haven't been able to employ them any more. Malaysia's economy is operating normally. But because so many countries in Asia and the world are economically in a recession, many factories are also closed." he said. 
Moreover, cars and motorcycles are being checked more than before reportedly.

 A person holding a Myanmar passport

As usual UNHCR is delaying to issue refugee cards to applicants and the number of card applicants and the ratio of cards issued are inequitable, said those who are helping refugees. 
So, when the arrests have currently increased, it would be more convenient if UNHCR issued more refugee cards, said Ko Aung Min Thu, Deputy Chairman of Arakanese Community Malaysia to CNI News.

Malaysian police forces were taking away migrant workers after arresting them

" If you go out, take an ID with you. For example, if you hold a passport, send its photo to one of your family members. If you hold a UN card, send its photo to one of your family members. It would be okay if you are inspected. UN is carrying out registration issues more emphatically. But because there are so many people applying for cards, they can't perform as much as applicants need. UN has told not to come without appointment." he said.

Five family members including Daw Thuzar Maung who is helping Myanmar workers were arrested by a group of people who had pretended to be police forces on 4th July and they have been missing up to now. The case relating to their missing has been opened for investigation, said Malaysian police force a few days ago. So, more checks and investigations would be possible, said Myanmar community in Malaysia.