CNI News

20 July 2023

Although there are political tensions among the political parties in relation to forming a new government in Thailand, migrant workers including Myanmar who have been illegal because of various reasons have been allowed to nominate in the name list through online. 

But nomination has just been allowed and there is nothing issued about the contents that will have to proceed. 

As there will be a decision by voting in the parliament to elect the Prime Minister on 19th July, another statement relating to the migrant workers will probably be delayed to be issued, said those who are helping in the affairs of migrant workers.

" What I don't know clearly, they have said just to register. They haven't said about work permit, visa and reading QR code and how much they will cost. And in Thailand, there probably will be problem depending on whether the leader of the winning party will be accepted or not. In my opinion, at any rate, a government will be surely formed. If Pita isn't the Prime Minister, his supporters don't accept. His supporters are protesting even now. If there will be a problem, depending on forming a new government, there will be delays in making policies including migrant workers affairs, which will affect migrant workers more or less." said U Min Oo, incharge of Labor affairs from FED.

People demanding for the cancellation of Article 112, which can take action against those who insult the royal.

According to this statement, those who are affected are migrant workers who will be illegal because their visas expired before 5th July, 2023 and ones who have gone illegal because they cannot renew their work permits in time although they came legally as well as illegal migrant workers currently working in Thailand after coming illegally. 

Migrant workers who will register in the name list don't have to pay any money and the employees who find it difficult to use online can register in person after going to 10 employment offices in Bangkok territory and district employment offices concerned.

"Although the statement saying that migrant workers can nominate was issued on 14th July by the Thai Ministry of Home Affairs, nomination period is until the end of July only. So, designated period is very short, said the people helping migrant workers. What it's important is that when a migrant worker nominates, he and his employer need to describe in the name list. If so, he can work in the workplace. He can get this opportunity. But if a migrant worker has nominated, it will be convenient for him. Designated period is short. How many migrant workers have nominated by percentage? We have to watch if Thai authorities will extend the designated period, depending on the precents nominated." said Ko Naing Naing Aung, Director of Arakan Workers Organization.

 family Myanmar nationals.

When migrant workers demonstrated for their rights on 1st May (May Day) in Thailand before the Thai election, those who were not migrant workers took part in the demonstration.

Because Thai people would probably protest relating to the position of the Prime Minister if they were not satisfied, Myanmar migrant workers should not participate in the protest, suggested the people helping in the affairs of migrant workers.

if migrant workers were arrested because they participated in the protest, they would be expelled from Thailand and banned to work in Thailand.