CNI News

28 June 2023

There are some debates whether the current political problem will be solved if a political dialogue is held between SAC and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. 
The beginning of road to solution could not be found without a political dialogue with DASSK, said in a statement released by NLD's Central Working Committee on the birthday of DASSK which fell on 19th June 2023.

It was difficult for him to say whether there would be a political dialogue between SAC and DASSK and to know DASSK's attitude in relation to spring revolution was needed, said U Myo Kyaw, spokesperson of UNA, to CNI.

people protesting against the Tatmadaw

" It's hard to say.How similar are the current processes to Daw Su's attitude? It is food for thought.To tell you frankly,as a leader, she was able to do a lot of good things including things that should be modelled. But now she's a very old woman. I want to leave her as an exemplary leader. Because how much healthy is she as a very old woman? How much effort can she take? How far can her decisions be correct? A very old person has a lot of aging symptons. I'm worried for these things" he said.

SAC can do everything that makes them take advantage, he added. Some international organizations are demanding SAC to release political prisoners including DASSK.

The political crisis could not be overcome by just discussing between SAC and DASSK. And he did not think that SAC would not discuss as well, said Dr.Aye Maung, chairman of Arakan Front Party (AFP) to CNI.

"I think that SAC doesn't take DASSK's role.into account any more.NLD also said that there were not any political prisoners. There were only criminal prisoners under its government. SAC also doesn't regard her as a political prisoner. She was charged with crimes like corruptions, violation of State Secret Act and so on. That's why whether DASSK will participate or not isn't important anymore, I think. SAC has held the 2008 constitution to solve Myanmar political problem.They announced a state of emergency according to the constitution and has taken power.They are trying for peace and stability. If there is no stability, we must ask them why." he said.

 people demanding democracy in 2021

The Tatmadaw toppled down the NLD government led by DASSK on 1st February, 2021 after saying that NLD tried to form a government without solving the ballot dispute in
the 2020 general election after which demonstrations against the Tatmadaw and armed conflicts arose all over the country.

Due to armed conflicts and political crises, economy, social, health, education and other sectors in the country are deteriorating.