CNI News

28 June 2023

The National Solidarity and Peace Negotiation Committee and leaders from the five NCA signatories are discussing to amend the constitution and hold the peace conference.The discussion was held at the office of National Solidarity and Peace-making Committee (NSPC) in Naypyidaw on 26th June. 

Points to be amended from the Constitution (2008), matters relating to implementation of the points agreed in previous talks, holding a peace conference, regional stability and anti-drug were discussed and negotiated.

The discussion will continue on the 27th and 28th reportedly. 

The discussion with NSPNC was attended by Col.Khun Okka, the leading patron of Pa-O National Liberation Organization, Col.Saw Sein Win, Commander in Chief of DKBA, Dr Naw Kapaw Htoo, Vice Chairperson of  Karen National Liberation Army (Peace Council), U Kyar Phu, vice chairman of Lahu Democratic Union (LDU) and Daw Saw Mya Yarzar Lin, chairperson of Arakan Liberation Party( ALP). 

And those who attended from NSPNC are Lt.Gen Yar Pyae, leader of peace talks, Lt.Gen Moe Myint Tun, member of SAC, Lt.Gen Win Bo Shein, secretary of NSPNC and members of negotiation committee.