CNI News

23 Mar 2023

As Rakhine State was hit by gales on 20th March and shelters in camps for internally displaced people were damaged, IDPs have needed aid, according to them.

More than 80 shelters of IDPs were destroyed by the gales in Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw, Rathedaung and Mrauk-U townships.

Although international organizations are providing assistance to IDPs, it will take a long time to receive assistance for rebuilding the shelters. As rains are expected, we are worried that the rain will further damage more shelters, Ma Aye Khaing, a woman leader from Taungminkalar IDP camp in Kyauktaw Township, Rakhine State, told the CNI.

She said, "Some shelters were damaged. Roofs were blown away. Walls were destroyed. From 10 to 20 shelters were damaged in each camp. We need to rebuild shelters in early April. However, it will take time to receive aid from international organizations. Monsoon has started. One or two more rains will destroy all shelters. We are worried because there are many vulnerable groups like single mothers, infants, pregnant women and the disabled."

An IDP camp in Rakhine State.

In some IDP camps, shelters are being rebuilt on a self-help basis by using thatches, bamboo and small wood posts.

IDP Ko Tun Nyo from Tainpyin IDP camp told the CNI, "Our camp is located in a monastery compound. Now, the roofs of all shelters have been damaged. Now, it is raining unseasonably. It is very difficult for residents and will be more difficult when the rainy season begins."

As the monsoon is going to begin soon, IDPs want to rebuild their shelters as soon as possible, he added.

Those who lost their shelters to the gales include residents from Zeditaung and Pyarchaunggyi IDP camps in Rathedaung Township, Kawiyadana camp in Kyauktaw Township and Gananhtaung and Butaryon camps in Ponnagyun Township.