CNI News

23 Mar 2023

The National Unity Government will never do anything against the will of the entire ethnic peoples, Acting President Duwa Lashi La of the NUG said.

The NUG has been holding constructive talks with ethnic armed organizations and views the talks between China and the northern alliance positively, he said.

Duwa Lashi La said, "The only way to achieve our ultimate goal is routing the military with the united force of EAOs and the People's Defence Forces. That is why the NUG has been holding constructive talks with EAOs. Moreover, the NUG hopes that the talks between China and the northern alliance are constructive ones. As for our government, we can guarantee that we will never do anything against the will of the entire ethnic peoples."

Members of the NUG.

As the NUG has said it will not do anything against the will of the entire people, it bodes well for the counry, U Khun Sai, who has been involved in the peace process, told the CNI.

He said, "It bodes well for the country. They are required to organize political parties, EAOs and civil society organizations. As democracy stems from elections, they need to follow the guidance of those who elected. However, they cannot accept this and call for equality.”

The NUG seems to suggest that they have the same attitude as the people but if they are thinking about their ethnic group, it is unacceptable, Kachin Politician U Kwan Guang Aung Kham told the CNI.

Members of the NUG.

He said,"They said they will not be against the will of the people. However, I don't know who the people are talking about. Are they talking only about the majority? They need to think about Kachin, Kayin, Shan and others. If the Panglong Agreement is implemented, the situation will be inclusive. Otherwise, minorities will find it is difficult to accept it. We hope they will create an inclusive environment."

The SAC seized power from the NLD by declaring a state of emergency after accusing it of forming a new government without settling voters' list dispute in the 2020 elections.

Democratic forces have protested the coup and the NUG has launched an armed struggle to topple the junta.