CNI News

25 Feb 2023

Although border gates between Myanmar and Thailand have been reopened, Thai tourists are likely to visit Myanmar when stability has been restored in Myanmar, Chairman U Naung Naung Han of the Myanmar Tourism Entrepreneurs told the CNI.

Although Thai-Myanmar border gates have been reopened, it is not possible for Thai tourists to visit Myanmar.

Before the outbreak of COVID-19 , there was a large number of tourists from Thailand but it is still difficult for them to visit Myanmar through the border.

Thai tourists in Tachilek

He said, "It is not possible for Thai tourists to cross the border easily because regional security is important. It is not easy for them mainly due to regional security and stability. It is difficult for them to visit Myanmar from the border in large numbers. However, trade has improved. When security has improved, they will come to Myanmar. Currently, they have to rely on airlines. Before the border gates were closed, they came to Myanmar by car and we went to them by car.

They crossed the border to Myawady and Hpa-an and Kyaiktiyo. Some of them came to the border and we went and fetch them to visit in the country."

Gates at Thailand and Myanmar were closed for almost three years due to COVID-19 and now major gates including Myawady-Mae Sot No (1) Friendship Bridge, Kawthaung-Ranong gate and Tachilek-Mae Sai No (1) Friendship bridge have been reopened.

Thai tourists at the Botahtaung Pagoda

Reopening of the gate and bridges is beneficial for border trade, according to businessmen and labour activists.

However, Thai tourists and Myanmar workers are not likely to cross the border in large numbers due to security reasons, Labour Activist Ko Thar Gyi told the CNI.

He said, "Karen State is a war zone and fighting has erupted in Karen State almost daily. Gunfire and explosions are heard every day. Both Thai citizens and Myanmar workers are required to take security into consideration when they go to the border. The Myanmar government has reopened the border gates for Thai tourists, Thai authorities are worried about the security situation in Myanmar. Thai merchants and tourists are worried about their security."

Thai tourists at the ShweDagon Pagoda

At present, small groups of Thai tourists comprising about 10 members visit Yangon and nearby destinations, according to the Myanmar Tourism Entrepreneurs Association.

After international flights have resumed, Thai tourists make up the largest number of travellers to Myanmar and they mainly visit pagodas like the Shwe Dagon, Botahtaung and Kyaiktiyo.