CNI News

25 Feb 2023

SAC Chairman Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing said that the public has made three demands after the extension of the state of emergency.

The chairman made the comment at the SAC meeting 2/2023 on 23rd February.

The senior general said,"Studying the criticism, responses and wishes after the six-month extension of the state of emergency, it was found that the three major demands of the public are to hold elections, to restore stability and to decrease commodity prices."

Then, he added that martial law has been imposed in some townships to restore stability and the military is taking measures in accordance with the law based on past experience to restore stability and currently is exerting efforts to adopt and cement genuine democracy.

Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing said, "It is a wrong method for so called democracy and human right defenders to choose violence means without settling voters' list disputes. It is necessary to take measures not to repeat such incidents. Elections reflect the image of the country and efforts are being made to hold respectable elections. It is important to take time to compile correct voters' lists."

He added that production are being boosted to increase the revenue of the country and only then, commodity prices will fall. The government is implementing measures to decrease commodity prices.

The military declared a state of emergency on 1st February, 2021 after accusing the NLD of forming a new government without settling election disputes.

Then, protests and armed conflicts have erupted to topple the military.

Under such circumstances, the political, economic, social, education, health, security situations have deteriorated and commodity prices have risen.