CNI News

7 Feb 2023

What should be done and who or which organizations should participate in the process to resolve the current political crisis in Myanmar have been hotly debated in the political circle.

Such an environment calls for dialogue by all stakeholders, Naing Than Shwe of the Mon Unity Party told the CNI.

He said, "If all stakeholders are permitted to participate in dialogue, we will achieve an outcome. The dialogue might be held between individuals and individual entities and finally dialogue of all stakeholders will take place. It is the best way to overcome the crisis."

Houses torched down in Chin State.

However, he didn't elaborate on individuals and entities that should participate in the dialogue.

At present, armed conflicts have engulfed the country and political, peace, economic and health conditions are deteriorating.

If authorities could implement good governance like the Communist Party of China, they would not need to negotiate with any other organizations, Political Observer Dr Aung Myo told the CNI.

He said, "If any government whether it is the USDP or the Tatmadaw can give attention to the people like the Chinese government and the Communist Party of China and implement better governance, it does not need to hold dialogue with any other organization. If the government take reform measures like addressing the injustices like land acquisition and enact laws that really serve the interest of the people or implement good governance like China, it doesn't need to hold talks either with the NLD or EAOs. I have never supported dialogue with EAOs. Reform I refer to is not the same as the reform measures taken by former president U Thein Sein."

The troops of the Karenni Army.

The ASEAN and some local political forces are trying to address the political crisis in Myanmar.

Meanwhile, fighting has broken out between the Myanmar military and joint forces of the PDF and ethnic armed organization in Kayin State, Chin State, Kayah (Karenni) State, Magway Region and Sagaing Region.