CNI News

6 Feb 2023

Although there were concerns that transportation of commodities would be affected after the State Administration Council imposed martial law in 37 townships in 8 states and regions, commodity flows to the townships has not been hindered by the announcement, according to the Myanmar Highway Freight Transportation Services Association.

No new restrictions have been imposed after the announcement of martial law and as a result, there have been no hindrance in transportation of goods to the townships, an official from the MHFTSA told the CNI.

He said, "We haven't received any reports of inconvenience as it is just the beginning of martial law and it is difficult to predict how it will affect us. We are still transporting commodities to the townships as usual."

Transportation of goods

Martial law has been imposed in 11 townships in Sagaing Region including Indaw, Banmauk, Kawlin, Pinlebu, Myaung, Salingyi, Pale, Yinmarbin, Khin-U and Taze townships, seven townships in Chin State including Teddim, Tong Zhang, Falam, Kanpetlet, Matupi, Thantlang, and Hakha townships, five townships in Magway Region including Gangaw, Htilin, Saw, Pauk and Myaing townships, five townships in Bago Region including Htantabin, Oakpo, Nattalin, Paungde and Paukkhoung townships, Ye Township in Mon State, Kyarinseikkyi and Kawkareik townships in Kayin State, Tanintharyi and Palaw townships in Tanintharyi Region and four townships in Kayah State including Demoso, Hpruso, Shadaw and Bawlakhe townships.

Even before the announcement of martial law, there were restrictions on transportation of goods and drivers had to pay fees at checkpoints.

The amounts of checkpoint fees have risen significantly than previously, according to an anonymous driver who has been transporting goods to Myitkyina.

Hakha scenes in Chin State

He said, "Despite the martial law announcement, as usual, we have to pay checkpoint fees. There are checkpoints in every township along the Myitkyina road. However, security has tightened a little and checkpoint fees have increased. We have to pay as much checkpoint fees as they ask for."
Highway transportation services are looking forwards to smooth transportation of goods as disruptions will lead to higher commodity prices for consumers.

Highway freight transportation services have called for smooth transportation of goods in the interest of the people, according to the association.