CNI News

15 Dec 2022

The call to defeat the military in the current armed conflict will not resolve the crisis in Myanmar, Chairman U Shwe Min of the Lisu National Development Party (Crossbow Party) told the CNI.

He urged all stakeholders to resolve the current political crisis through dialogue.

He told the CNI, "For the future of the country, I would like to urge all to pave the way for dialogue as much as possible. Only then, will it be beneficial for our citizens and the country. The concepts like defeating the military and making no bargain for blood indebtedness will not resolve the crisis. So, I would like to call on every stakeholder to resolve the crisis through dialogue in the interests of the people magnanimously."

A group of young men shouting slogans not to make a bargain for blood indebtedness in Kachin State in May 2021. (CJ)

Resistance forces in Myanmar have called for the utter defeat of the military and making no bargain for blood indebtedness and fought against it since the latter ousted the government of the National League for Democracy on 1st February, 2021.

Political Observer U Than Soe Naing told the CNI that the military had been indebted in blood repeatedly and there would be no dialogue for blood indebtedness.

He told the CNI, "As the junta has been indebted in blood by killing the people repeatedly, we cannot make no bargain with it. Younger generations have committed to defeating the junta utterly. No elderly people can prevent them from doing so. Opportunists are denouncing the concept of making no bargain for blood indebtedness to seek their own interests under the junta."

Members of People's Defence Forces.

Currently, fighting has broken out between the military and joint forces of ethnic armed organizations and people's defence forces (PDFs) in Sagaing and Magway regions and Karen, Kayah (Karenni) and Chin states.

The armed clashed have displaced more than 1.4 million people in Myanmar, according to statistics of the UNOCHA Myanmar.