CNI News

15 Dec 2022

Despite changing governments and ages, the Myanmar military will always be the guardian of the country, SAC Chairman Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing said.

He made the remarks during a meeting with officers, other ranks and families of Myitkyina Station of the Northern Command at the Bala Min Htin Hall on 13th December.

He said that a caretaker government took office in 1958 due to political issues, armed conflicts and differences in the ruling party and the revolutionary council and the Burma Socialist Programme Party took office from 1962 to 1988, when the 1988 Uprising erupted.

As the situation deteriorated during the uprising and the country almost lost sovereignty, functions of the government came to a halt. As a result, the military had to assume State power in September, 1988, he added.

Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing meets officers, other ranks and families in Myitkyina on 13th December, 2022.

Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing said, "The Tatmadaw has been safeguarding 'Our three main national causes' together with the people in successive eras. The Tatmadaw will always be the guardian of the country under any government and in any age."

He continued, "It can be seen that there were voting irregularities because the ruling party employed dishonest means to win the 2020 multi-party general election. Although the Tatmadaw called for resolution of voters' list issues, the party convened the parliament and the Tatmadaw had to assume State power in accordance with the constitution.

It is true that the miliatry will have to defend the country at any times when the country is under the threats of foreign invasions and terrorist attacks but it doesn't have to engage in politics, a political observer told the CNI.
However, Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing said the Tatmadaw is consolidating the multi-party democracy path the country has taken and will not allow the country to deviate from the path. He added that the stability of the country is being restored in accordance with the law.