CNI News

15 Dec 2022

The National Solidarity and Peace-making Negotiation Committee said it was not ready to hold talks with the seven EAOs, which earlier proposed negotiations, Spokesperson Col Saw Kyaw Nyunt of the informal negotiation team told the CNI.

The Peace Process Steering Team of the seven EAOs proposed informal talks with the NSPNC in Chiang Mai in Thailand on 12th December, 2022.

Chairman Lt-Gen Yar Pyae meets RCSS Chairman Gen Yawd Serk.

He told the CNI, "We sent a letter to the NSPNC led by Lt-Gen Yar Pyae on 7th December and proposed talks with the committee. On 8th December, the committee responded to the proposal on 8th December, saying that it was not ready to hold talks with our negotiation team. We proposed dates and venues to hold the first, second and third rounds of talks. However, the committee said that it was not ready for the negotiations.

The seven EAOs which proposed talks with the committee included the Restoration Council of Shan State, the Arakan Liberation Party, the New Mon State Party, the Lahu Democratic Union, the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army - Peace Council, the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army and the Pa-O National Liberation Organization.

Chairman Lt-Gen Yar Pyae meets KNU/KNLA-PC leaders.

The seven EAOs proposed informal talks with the aim of resolving the crisis faced by the people for two years, the spokesperson added.

He said, "The seven EAOs held talks with the military separately in the past. Now, we want to hold talks with it as a team to overcome the political crisis or to ease tensions. We want to create an environment for overcoming the crisis through negotiations. So, we proposed joint talks."

The seven EAOs are signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement.

SAC Chairman Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing separately held talks with leaders from the seven EAOs recently. Similarly, the peace negotiation team led by Lt-Gen Yar Pyae held talks with them separately.