CNI News

15 Dec 2022

Reopening Jiegao-Ruili border gate including the customs checkpoints and the bridge, which were closed for 2 years due to COVID-19 has raised hopes for reopening of Muse-Jiegao (Manwain) border gate, according to border trade merchants.

As Jiegao-Ruili border gate was reopened on 10th December, it is expected that Manwain border will be reopened during the Chinese New Year, Vice Chairman U Min Thein of Muse Rice Exchange told the CNI.

Trucks transporting goods from Myanmar to China. (STR)

He said, "Jiegao-Ruili border in China including the customs checkpoint and the bridge, which were closed for two years, has been reopened. Since 10th December, people have been allowed to go to and from Ruili and Jiegao. COVID-19 restrictions have been eased. Jiegao and Muse are divided only by a fence. The border gate between Muse and Jiegao is known as Manwain border gate, which can handle about 600 trucks a day. However, the gate has been closed for two years. If the gate is reopened, border trade will accelerate. It is expected that the gate will be reopened soon because Chinese authorities are lifting COVID restrictions. The Chinese New Year festival concludes on 20 January. After the festival, authorities are likely to reopen Muse-Jiegao gate. Border trade will accelerate then."

Due to outbreak of COVID-19 in Muse and China, Chinese authorities have closed the gate since early April in 2021.

Trucks from Myanmar stranded in China. (STR)

When Manwain border gate is reopened, they will earn more money, Ko San Win, a truck driver in Muse, told the CNI.

He said, "Reopening the gate is good not only for us but also for the entire country. Businesses will recover. We can get as much as MMK 2 million a day when the gate is reopened."

There are six border gates between Myanmar and China in Shan State but Kyinsankyawk and Chinshwehaw gates are open at present. Manwain, Sin Phyu, Nandaw and Panhseng (Kyukoke) gates are still closed.