CNI News

10 Dec 2022

The system requiring workers to sign contracts in their states and regions may increase the number of agents and swindlers, overseas employment agencies and labour activists in Thailand told the CNI.

Ko Thar Gyi, a labour activist for Myanmar workers in Thailand, told the CNI, "The system cannot be implemented. Even if it is possible for workers to sign contracts in their states and regions, overseas employment agencies cannot cannot go to states and regions. They are encouraging human trafficking. The government and the Department of Labour cannot control human trafficking. In the past, contracts were signed in Yangon and Hpa-an. It was better for workers. Human trafficking will increase. The new system does not bring benefits for the government. It is questionable."

Overseas employment agencies cannot go to every state and region to sign contracts, according to some overseas employment agencies.

The skill training school of the Department of Labour.

People who intend to work in Thailand under the MOU are required to be cautious about agents, Managing Director Daw Myat Hayman Lin of Pwint Phyu Aung Agency told the CNI.

She said, "Workers are required to be clever. First, they must come to agency offices and sign contracts. It is safe for them. They must contact us in person without using agents. We will discuss the types of jobs and sign contracts when agreements have been reach. They must contact us directly. Otherwise, the number of swindlers will increase."

In the past, work contracts were signed in interview offices and private training classes. The Department of Labour has adopted a system requiring workers to sign contracts in states and regions.
Although the CNI contacted the department, it did not answer the phone.

It is difficult for agencies to go to states and regions and can go to states and regions where there is a large number of workers, she added.

Migrant workers.

She said, "We need to interview and recruit them. So, we will have to go to states and regions around us like Bago, Ayeyarwady and Magway, where a large number of people want to work in Thailand under the MOU. We will go to them and sign contracts. We will have to choose only two or three regions or states. When we sign contracts in states and regions, we need a director, a computer clerk and one or two staff. So, we need at least four or five people. However, we haven't signed any contract under the new system."

The Department of Labour has allowed workers in Chin state to sign contracts in Rakhine State and Magway Region, according to the statement.

Workers are also required to submit evidence that they actually live in states and regions where they sign contracts to the supervisory boards for signing contracts.