CNI News

10 Dec 2022

The safety of civilians can be guaranteed only after the current political crisis has been resolved, Chairman U Ko Ko Gyi of the People's Party told the CNI.

As the rule of law has collapsed, crimes have rampant and action cannot be taken against crimes like thefts, robberies and murders, he added.

He said, "The main cause is the political crisis. Since the SAC seized power on 1st February, 2022, protests and armed resistance have erupted. Civilians were killed and properties were torched. About 80 monks have been killed and more than 7,000 civilains were murdered. We have never seen such destruction in our history. It is important to resolve the political issues through political means."

As the political crisis has led to armed resistance in the entire country, arm and drug smuggling is rampant in Myanmar.

 Drugs worth MMK 4 billion seized in Kyaikto in Mon State.

Then, civilians have faced security threats.

Some armed organizations have been involved in drug trafficking, Advocate U Kyee Myint told the CNI.

He said, "Khin Nyunt and Than Shwe ruled the country for 25 years by permitting drug trafficking, which dropped a little when Thein Sein took office. During the term of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, militia continued to smuggle drugs. The AA is involved in drug trafficking to establish their army."

 Troops of the KNLA. (GETTY IMAGES)

The AA spokesperson was not available for comments for the issue.

Drugs pose a threat to the morals of youths and cause a problem for them, Director U Thein Tun Oo of the Strategic Studies told the CNI.He said, "There are security rules and regulations, enforcement is weak. People fail to abide by law while law enforcement is corrupted. There are loopholes. Drugs especially pose a serious threat to national security. In the past, heroin was a major drug problem. Now, there are ICE and yaba. They are chemical drugs and can be mass produced in a small room by using pill press machines. Drugs pose a threat to the morals of youths and their health. It is a major threat to new generations."

Members of the PDF of the Spring Revolution.

Since the military ousted the civilian government on 1st February, 2021, arm and drug trafficking has been rampant in Myanmar and the rule of law has been undermined. Thefts, robberies and murders have increased and the public security has come under threats.

The public has called on authorities to check arm and drug trafficking in the country.