CNI News

27 Nov 2022

The National Unity Government has been preparing to take effective action against those who commit violence against women, NUG Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than said.

He made the comment in his speech marking the International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women.

He said, "Violence against women and children is a matter of concern for the entire country. During the revolution, it is women and children who are the most vulnerable to violence offences of the intrinsically evil and brutal regime. We, the NUG, categorically condemn the violence committed by them and are trying to take effective action against them consistently."

He urged all to cooperate with activists for woman and child victims of violence in the country.

No organization should commit violence against women, Daw Cho Cho Kyaw Nyein of the Democratic Party told the CNI.

A campaign calling for the elimination of violence against women. (Htoi Gender Development Foundation)

She said, "If it is true, it is unacceptable. I am not blaming either side. It is unacceptable whichever sides commit violence against women. However, I don't know how it would take action against the offenders because I don't have contact with them. So, I can't say anything exactly."

Activists urged the people to launch a white ribbon campaign on the International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women, which falls on 25th November.

The Myanmar Women Organization issued a statement saying 111 domestic violent offences, 14 rapes committed by civilians, 16 rapes committed by soldiers and at least 3 sexual harassment cases were recorded since 1st February, 2021.