CNI News

26 Nov 2022

Clashes have erupted between the Myanmar military and the Kachin Independence Army in Hpakant since 23rd November.

Sporadic clashes have broken out in Hpakant and the military is launching operations in the township, Spokesperson Col Naw Bu of the KIA told the CNI.

He told the CNI, "Clashes have broken out in Hpakant sporadically. The military has also reinforced its troops in Bamaw and Moemauk. Fighting can erupt in the townships at any time.

Yesterday, fighting broke out in Hpakant. SAC troops are launching operations in Hpakant. The situation is not tense in other townships. SAC troops shot at the houses of the local residents and searched cars and motorbikes."

Due to the clashes, more than 1,000 people from Aung Kyaw Su, Kaung San, Thaung Kawt, Pinlaung and Whekhar villages from Seik Mu Village Tract have been displaced.

Fighting broke out between the Myanmar military and the KIA in Seik Mu in Hpakant, Ko Aung Khin, a local resident, told the CNI.

He said, "Fighting broke out in Saing Taung (Seik Mu) yesterday. The situation is very tense. The KIA said they do not go and launch attacks in Nay Pyi Taw and the military is launching operations in their native areas. People's Defence Forces want to fight against the military but they were not allowed to do so by the KIA. The PDFs are under the command of the KIA. The military has not launched airstrikes here."

Hpakant is a jade-mining town, where a large number of migrant workers live and work. The Myanmar military, the KIA and local militias are active in the area.

Fighting erupted in Hpakant, Bamaw, Moemauk and Tanai between the military and joint forces of the KIA and local PDFs.