CNI News

20 Nov 2022

The efforts of the Arakan Army to establish a sovereign state would not be accepted by the Bamar people, Political Observer and Advocate U Kyee Myint told the CNI.

The United League of Arakan/AA views the political crisis caused after 1st February, 2021, as the conflict between Bamar people, he added.

He told the CNI, "The AA is trying to establish a sovereign state. They have clearly expressed their view that the current political crisis in Myanmar is the conflict between Bamar people and they have nothing to do with it. If the junta continues to press them, they will not be able to establish an independent country. It will not be easy. And Bamar people would not support them. The civil war in Myanmar is likely to be perpetuated."

AA leader Maj-Gen Tun Myat Naing announced that their political objective is to seek a political status similar to that of the WA Self-administered Region in Shan State.

A road junction in Rakhine State.

During a press conference on 19th September, 2022, AA Spokesperson Kahing Thukha said that the ULA/AA is trying to establish an Arakha Country Government recognized by the international community.

Rakhine Politician U Pe Than told the CNI that such views reflect the ways of thinking that Rakhine State was owned by Bamar people because Bamar kings subjected Rakhine. Wasn't it an invasion? Rakhine people lived under the rule of their own kings as an independent kingdom for centuries. Don't they understand that?"

The ULA/AA is enjoying increasing support in Rakhine State and fighting against the military.

Fighting resumed between the AA and the military in August after almost two years of hiatus.