CNI News

19 Nov 2022

Myanmar nationals in Thailand have faced difficulty renewing their passports and visas, labour activists told the CNI.

Visas for migrant workers were extended until 13th February, 2023 due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and it is difficult for them to renew their visas, which are going to expire soon, labour activists told the CNI.

Consultant U Aung Kyaw of the Migrant Workers Rights Network told the CNI, "It is very complicated. Some workers have moved to provinces where authorities issue pink cards, which allow them to work temporarily in Thailand. Some factories are planning to repatriate their workers and employ them again under the official MoU. However, some workers do not want to return home because fighting has broken out in their areas and they have no place to return. We don't know how to help them."

Under the MoU, migrant workers are allowed to work in Thailand for four years but they are required to renew their visasa every two years. On the expirary of the four years' term, they have to return home before working again in Thailand under new contracts.

Migrants renewing visas in Thailand

Some workers have renewed their viasa through agents but they have not received their renewed visas, according to activists.

Myanmar migrant workers have difficulty renewing their passports for job at the Myanmar Embassy due to its poor management, Ko Thar Gyi, a labour activist for Myanmar workers in Thailand, told the CNI.

He said," It is very difficult for them to buy tokens to apply for the red passports. This process tarnish the image of the country. They have to pay between Baht 4,500 to 6,000 to get tokens and another Baht 1,500 for their passports. The embassy treats them like a source of revenue. They are bearing the brunt of the current crisis in Myanmar and we don't know whom to blame."

Migrants renewing visas during the outbreak of COVID-19

Moreover, some workers have difficulty renewing their passports because of holidays at the embassy.

He said, "The embassy made appointments for workers on holidays. They should know which day is a holiday. Workers have to come from distant towns to the embassy. Their management is very bad."

The embassy announced that workers can renew their passports for job as of 7th November and are required to pay Baht 800 for new passports.

Myanmar workers have renewed their passports through agents and sometimes they were cheated by agents.