CNI News

3 Nov 2022

China is wary of dealing with a US-proxy in its backyard, Chairman Dr Aye Maung of the Arakan Front Party told the CNI.

He also added that China seems to prefer economic and military stability in Myanmar and does not want to see it disintegrate into pieces.

He told the CNI, “From the Chinese perspective, the two countries share a very long border and it prefers political, economic and military stability in Myanmar. It does not want to see its neighbour disintegrate into pieces. It is for its interests and it is wary of dealing with a US-proxy in its backyard. So, China supports the stability and non-disintegration of Myanmar. When it tries to reunify Myanmar, it needs to review the root cause of the problem because the SAC is in power at present.”

UWSA leader Bao Youxiang and Sun Guoxiang. (AFP)

Currently, Myanmar is engulfed by armed conflicts and has faced political, economic, social, health and education crises.

Political Analyst Dr Aung Myo told the CNI that he thinks the Kachin Independence Army and the Shan State Restoration Council are closed to the US and China is worried about the issues.

He said, “The KIA has been a US sympathizer since the second world war. I think China has just come to understand that. So, the KIA cannot be allowed to get more powerful. Yawd Serk of the SSRC/SSA is also a US sympathizer. As a result, I think China is wary of them. I hope that the Chinese government can adopt correct policies on these issues.”

    Chinese special envoy Sun Guoxiang and Gen N’ban La of the KIA in Mai Jaryan in July, 2016.

China is worried that Myanmar refugees will spill into its territory and stability in Myanmar is in China’s interests, he added.

The two countries share a 1,300-mile-long border, where the RCSS, the KIA, the Shan State Progressive Party/SSA, the United Wa State Army, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army and the Palaung People Liberation Front/TNLA are active in the border area.