CNI News

3 Nov 2022

As there are advantages and disadvantages in holding the Overseas Worker Identity Cards, Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand should take the issue seriously, labour activists for Myanmar workers in Thailand told the CNI.

The Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok announced that it will issue OWIC cards for those who renew their passport for jobs as of 7th November.

Labour Activist U Min Oo of the FED told the CNI, “It is a hard choice. If workers face problems like worksite accidents and lawsuits, they need recommendations from the embassy. So, when they hold OWICs, the embassy has their personal data and can help them effectively. On the other hand, their personal security has been breached as the junta embassy has stored all their data. There are advantages as well as disadvantages. So, migrant workers will have to make their own decisions on the matter by taking it seriously. Therefore, we do not urge them to do so. They will have to make their own decisions.”

The TDCC office in Maha Chiang.

The OWIDs will carry the address and phone numbers of the families of workers, who are required to pay the embassy Baht 800 for passports for job and another Baht 250 for OWICs, according to the statement of the embassy.

Moreover, those who have renewed their passports for a job as of September, 2021 are required to submit their passports at the TCDD office in Maha Chiang together with Baht 250 for the OWICs, which will be issued within one day.

Although it is a convenient arrangement for workers nearby, it is difficult for workers from other parts to come to the office, Labour Activist for Myanmar workers in Thailand told the CNI.

He said, “It is convenient for Myanmar workers in Maha Chaing but it would cost a lot of money for Myanmar workers in other parts of Thailand to travel to the office. Another factor is that the government of Thailand does not recognize OWICs. So, migrant workers are required to apply for work permits. So, it is just a system that will cost Myanmar workers a lot of money because they will have to pay more to agents and the embassy.”

As the majority of Myanmar migrant workers have to rely on agents whenever they are required to apply for new documents, they will have to pay much more than the fees collected by the embassy, labour activists told the CNI.

  People applying for passports.

Myanmar migrant workers are required to submit addresses of their families in Myanmar together with their names and phone numbers and the name of their overseas job agencies.

The Ministry of Labour announced in June that Myanmar migrant workers are required to apply for OWICs, which are valid for five years.