CNI News

26 Oct 2022

Although the tourism season has resumed, Myanmar can expect foreign tourists in 2023 due to instabilities in some regions in the country, according to tour entrepreneurs.

Foreign tourists were preparing to visit Myanmar but the arrivals have dropped due to shootout at the passenger station at the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda on 12th October and as a result, the country can expect foreign tourists in the 2023 four season, Managing Director U Thet Lwin Toe of the Myanmar Voyages International Tourism told the CNI.

Tourists in Bagan.

He said, “I think we will have to conclude this tour season with domestic tourists. Thais are preparing to visit the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda in October and November but they cancelled their trips due to shootout at the pagoda. I can’t even think of making pilgrimages to Sagaing Region at the moment. It is also the case with Mrauk-U, and Kayah State. Foreign tourists may want to visits the areas but we have to take everything into account. There are risks. When stability has been restored in 2023, it may be possible for them to visit such areas.”

About 80,000 foreign tourists visited Myanmar in 2022, according to SAC Chairman Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing but the arrivals amounted to the number of visitors arrived in one month when the country was stable, according to tour entrepreneurs.

Moreover, foreign tourists have not showed up even at Bagan, one of the most popular destinations for them, this year and hotels and tour operators in the region have to rely on domestic tourism, Chairman U Zaw Wate of Bagan Zone Myanmar Hoteliers Association told the CNI.

The Therapa Gate in Bagan.

He told the CNI, “It is difficult to expect foreign tourists. Domestic tourism visited Bagan. We have arranged everything for foreign tourists because they usually visit the town in October, November and December. However, we have to be content with domestic tourists, who will visit the town during Tazaungdaing holiday and new year holiday. Only a few visitors in other period.”

Myanmar has offered visa exemption for Russia and eight ASEAN countries and it is expected that they will visit Myanmar in 2023. Some tour companies are seeking information to visit aboard cruise liners, according to tour entrepreneurs.