CNI News

26 Oct 2022

The KNU congress seemed to be delayed by internal rivalries in the central committee, Political Analyst U Than Soe Naing told the CNI.

When the balance tips in favour of a faction, the congress could be held, he added.

He said, “In my opinion, there are factions in the central committee and there are differences between the central committee and troops on the ground. Such issues at the grassroots level arise frequently. In the central committee, Mutu Say Poe faction and Naw Zipporah Sein faction are competing while brigades are doing what they want in areas under their control. Nerdah Mya, who was expelled from the central committee, emerged as a leader of a new faction during recent operations in cooperation with some KNLA troops. It is not surprising; the congress has been delayed under such circumstances. When the balance tips in favour of a faction, they will be able to hold the congress, I think.”

KNU troops. (KNU)

The 17th Congress of the KNU has been delayed repeatedly and was scheduled for 24th October.

The congress will be valid only when 75 percent of delegates attend it and it has been delayed because enough delegates fail to appear at it, according to sources close to the KNU.

The CNI contacted the officials of the KNU repeatedly but no one answered the phone.

The congress will elect new KNU leaders and decide whether to follow the NCA or to join with revolutionary forces recently formed after the coup.

The congress has been delayed for two years, Chairman Mahn Aung Pyi Soe of the Karen National Democratic Party told the CNI.

Weapons and ammunition seized by the KNU after a clash with the military. (KNU)

He said, “The congress has been delayed for two years. It is difficult for us to speculate. We don’t know what they will decide. Roughly speaking, they will elect the new EC. We don’t know what the standpoints of the new EC members are. It is too early to say something with certainty.”

The congress must be held every four years under the constitution of the KNU but it has been delayed by COVID-19 and the political crisis caused by the coup.

The KNU is a signatory to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement.

On the other hand, the KNU is protecting the forces of the Spring Revolution from humanitarian grounds and fighting the military in cooperation with them.