CNI News

6 Oct 2022

Plans are underway to organize the Ngapali Autumn Festival at the Ngapali Beach in Thandwe Township in Rakhine State, according to the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism.

Hotels in Ngapali are preparing to provide services to visitors for the festival, Director U Tin Tun Aung of Rakhine State Hotels and Tourism Department told the CNI.

U Tin Tun Aung said, “We are making arrangements for the festival in November as we did last year. Last year, we held the festival on 14th November. I think the festival will be organized during the same period. In October, the rainy season has not ended. As the Ngapali is a major tour destination, hotels in the region are preparing services to the guests. During the rainy season, there were only a few guests.”

A sand pagoda.

The festival is usually held for five days and includes events such as market fairs, Rakhine traditional wrestling, volleyball, bicycle, running, climbing oiled posts, tug of war and sand pagoda designs.

Authorities are preparing for health and safety issues of visitors and services for them, according to officials of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism.

Although the Ngapali Beach is relatively stable in comparison with other areas in the state, fighting has flared in other parts of the state, authorities are required to guarantee the security of the visitors, Managing Director U Thet Lwin of the Myanmar Voyages International Tourism told the CNI.

 A sculpture of a fish made in the sand.

He said, “It is difficult to predict the situation precisely because Rakhine State is not a government-controlled area. However, unlike the northern Rakhine State, Ngapali is located in the southern state. However, it is too difficult to predict what will happen to the state. Everyone whether they are domestic or foreign tourists, should be careful. If something undesirable happens to the visitors, the image of the country will be tarnished. I think everyone should be cautious.”

As there were so many visitors to the festival last year, hoteliers have expected that there will be many visitors during the festival.