CNI News

29 Sept 2022

There is no other way to amend the 2008 constitution except the parliamentary process, SAC Chairman Snr Gen Min Aung said.

The SAC chairman made the remarks at the meeting of SAC members on 27th September.

The chairman said no one must turn a blind eye to the Constitution (2008) and the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement-NCA, ethnic armed organizations have differing views due to instigations of local and foreign instigations and among the demands of EAOs is constitutional amendments.

He added that constitutional amendments can be made in accordance with the law through agreements reached by compromising on what both sides want to do and should do.

  Pro-democracy protests. (Frontier Myanmar)

He said, “Amending the constitution by vote at the Hluttaw amounts to integrity that reflects the respects for it as a democracy. Constitutional amendments can only be made through the Hluttaw process and there is no other way to do so. This must be carried out based on the Panglong spirit that reflects the unity of all national races.”

The Tatmadaw ousted the National League for Democracy Government by declaring a state of emergency after accusing the latter of attempts to form a new government without addressing voting list disputes in the 2020 general election.

Democratic forces declared the 2008 constitution null and void as no Hluttaw meetings can be convened while the Tatmadaw said it is still upholding the constitution, causing opposing claims.

The SAC is trying to restore stability and hold elections in August 2023.

However, fighting has broken out between the armed forces of the Spring Revolution and the Tatmadaw.

Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing and leaders of the UWSA, the NDAA and the SSPP.


The SAC chairman said he is taking measures to hold a free and fair election and possible steps by trying to reach prior-agreements with EAOs.

He explained that a union will be built based on the 2008 constitution and the NCA and the election law and the law for registration of political parties will be amended.

Currently, the SAC is holding peace talks with 10 EAOs while trying to amend the constitution and to build a federal union.

On 26th September, 2022, Snr Gen Ming Aung Hlaing discussed the peace process with leaders of the UWSA, the NDAA and the SSPP, which submitted four proposals to establish Bamar State and to implement Panglong agreement, Panglong principles and pledges in order to restore equality among ethnic groups.