CNI News

27 Sept 2022

Mizoram University (MZU) in northeastern India is launching a Myanmar language course for foreigners in October, Dr. Mary of the Institute of Chin Affairs told the CNI.

The course will cover the Myanmar alphabet, vocabulary, grammar, speaking and writing.

The first program of its kind is jointly launched by the ICA and the MZU and will be led by Dr. Elis, Dr. Mary told the CNI.

She said, “We proposed a program to establish a research centre at the university but they asked us whether we could teach the Myanmar language at their campus, which also has other language courses. So, we agreed to teach the Myanmar language at the university. We don’t know if there are Myanmar students at the university but the course aims to teach the Myanmar language to foreigners, especially Indian nationals.”

Myanmar refugees in Mizoram State. (GETTY IMAGES)

The MZU is a state-owned university and Dr. Elis, who is teaching Myanmar language at the university, received a Ph.D. in Myanmar language.

The 10-month course is divided into two semesters, Dr. Elis told the CNI.

She said, “It is a diploma course, which is divided into two 5-month semesters, and will focus on speaking but will also teach writing depending on the levels of learners. The university does not have a Myanmar language department. So, it hired me as the only Myanmar language teacher. We haven’t known how many students will attend the course. The aim of the course is to teach Myanmar language to students at the university but outside learners will also be admitted. I will use the curriculum of a partnership organization called MLT. As the university has never offered Myanmar language courses as a specialization, it may be a little difficult to teach it for the first time there.”

The university will collect Rupee 1,000 (MMK 35,000) for a learner, who will also have to pay Rupee 1,200 (MMK 42,000) for teaching materials including the textbooks.

Protestors calling for the restoration of democracy. (Frontier Myanmar)

The university also teaches other languages and the opportunity to teach the Myanmar language there is something to be proud of, Dr. Mary of the ICA told the CNI.

She said, “Teaching our own official language at a university in another country is something to be proud of. As India is a neighbour of Myanmar, it has economic relations with Myanmar and needs to understand Myanmar people. The Myanmar language is important for understanding Myanmar. In short, it is something to be proud of.”

Mizoram shares more than 300 miles of border with Myanmar and there are about 50,000 Myanmar refugees who took shelter in Mizoram after the declaration of a state of emergency in Myanmar on 1st February, 2021, according to local news agencies and civil society organizations.

About 30,000 Myanmar refugees received registration cards, which allow them to live temporarily in the state, issued by the state government.