CNI News

15 Sept 2022

The US Embassy in Myanmar urged the Tatmadaw to respect the democratic aspiration of the people on 15th September.

The statement was made on the International Day of Democracy, which falls on 15th September 2022.

The statement says, “On this International Day of Democracy, we reaffirm a basic truth: that democracy - government of the people, by the people, and for the people - is humanity’s most enduring means to advance peace, prosperity, and security. The United States joins the people of Burma in their pursuit of freedom and democracy and calls on the regime to respect the democratic aspirations of the people who have shown they do not want to live one more day under the tyranny of military rule.”

The statement of the US Embassy on the international day for democracy.

The Tatmadaw took over State power and declared a state of emergency on 1st February, 2022, after accusing the NLD of attempts to form a government without settling voters’ lists disputes.

Therefore, anti-junta pro-democracy protests broke out in the entire country, leading to an armed struggle called the Spring Revolution.

Currently, armed clashes have broken out in Sagaing Region, Magway Region, Rakhine State, Chin State, Karen State and Kayah State while deaths and explosions are frequently reported in Mandalay Region, Yangon Region, Mon State, Shan State and Bago Region, undermining the rule of law.

 A pro-democracy demonstration. (Frontier Myanmar)

SAC Chairman Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing promised to hold a general election in 2023 and hand over power to the winning party.

However, pro-democracy forces said that the election held by the SAC is a fraudulent one to continue to maintain power.