CNI News

15 Sept 2022

They don’t want to see the Pa-O Self-Administered Zone turn into a battlefield, Central Executive Committee Member Sao Khun Kyaw Win of the Pa-O National Organization told the CNI.

He expressed his personal opinion that the local people will fall victims of war if the zone turns into a battlefield and said the PNO has adopted a policy to prevent the zone from becoming a battlefield.

Sao Khun Kyaw Win told the CNI, “I think journalists have already known out policy. The PSAZ, which was known as special region (6) when we reached peace agreement, has its own territory designated by the government. Other armed organizations also have their own territories in all four directions. Boundaries are in place. We don’t want to see our zone turn into a battlefield. If clashes broke out in our zone, there were no problems for armed organizations. We can protect ourselves. We can share our rations with the people. However, they will fall victim to war. They will get into trouble. So, we have adopted a policy to prevent the zone from becoming a battlefield.”

Member of Pa-O militia. (PNO)

Two outposts of the Tatmadaw in Naung Htaung in Hsehsai Township in the PSAZ came under attack by the United Southern Shan Federal Union- USSFU on 12th September. It was the united front’s first military operation since it was founded.

During the fighting, at least 20 soldiers from the Tatmadaw lost their lives, according to the statement of the united front.

However, the Tatmadaw did not issue any statement about the clashes.

They have no comment on the clashes that broke out in the PSAZ, Joint General Secretary (1) of the Pa-O National Liberation Organization told the CNI.

He said, “We have no comment on the clashes. However, every armed clash leads to loss of lives and damage.”

Pa-O National Defence Force. (PNDF)

He added that the PNLO is not active in Naung Htaung in Hsehsai Township but they used to travel past the area.

Meanwhile, the PNLO/PNLA, on 15th September, condemned the PNO for the arrest and murder of five members of the PNLO in Wapyone Village, Pin Mon Village-tract in Pinlaung Township in Shan State (South) on 14th September by PNO/PNA militia.

Armed clashes in Naung Htaung in Hsehsai on 12th September were the first armed conflicts that had broken out in the PSAZ since the coup by the Tatmadaw on 1st February, 2021.

The PNO is a militia organization formed by a Pa-O nationalist political party led by U Aung Kham Hti.