CNI News

14 Sept 2022

Clashes between the Tatmadaw and joint forces of the Karenni National Defence Force and Karenni armed organization in Moe Bye have displaced more than 4,000 residents amid intense fighting, Ko Banya of the Karenni State Human Rights Group, told the CNI.

Clashes, which started on 8th September, have continued until today, he added.

He told the CNI, “According to latest data, six civilians were injured while a seven-year-old child died. Volunteers on the ground estimated that a total of 5,000 residents would be displaced by the fighting. However, clashes have continued in the town and in residential quarters. If clashes continue, total number of IDPs may hit 10,000.”

Some IDPs are taking shelter in Loikaw and neighboring villages and have faced shortages of food and accommodation, he said.

A shelter for IDPs under construction. (Karenni IDPs Assistance Network

As the intense fighting broke out suddenly, residents were not able to bring foods and other necessary items. It is difficult to go back to bring food because clashes have not halted. As a result, the residents have encountered difficulties, an IDP, who is taking shelter in Loikaw told the CNI.

He said, “Many IDPs have faced difficulties. Some organizations are helping them but they cannot reach out to all IDPs. I would like to urge other organizations and donors to support IDPs from Moe Bye in Karenni State and offer food and necessary items for us.”

Since the military coup on 1st February 2021, fighting has broken out between the Tatmadaw and joint forces of the KNDF, the Karenni Army, Moe Bye People’s Defence Force, Phekhon People’s Defence Force and the Karenni Revolutionary Union.

Due to the armed clashes, about 200,000 people have been displaced in Karenni State while over 300 civilians were killed, according to Ko Banya.