CNI News

8 Sept 2022

Although the State Administration Council and the National Unity Government have vowed to build a federal union, they have not rolled out their federal models, Rakhine Politician U Pe Than told the CNI.

He said that he thought the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army would strengthen its forces and continue to fight because rights guaranteed in the constitution were lost after the Tatmadaw staged the coup and it became clear that there is no arm, there is no right.

U Pe Than told the CNI, “There are different models in federalism based on mandates given to ethnic groups. For example, they should disclose the details on how much power will be given to ethnic groups in power sharing, how many percent of natural resources will be allocated to local ethnic groups in resource sharing, how much authority to levy taxes will be given to ethnic groups and how armed forces will be built. Ethnic armed groups will not agree to the concept of one and only armed force by placing their troops under the command of the Tatmadaw because rights guaranteed by the constitution are lost when a coup is staged. There is no arm, there is no right. Rights cannot be demanded without arms. This has been proved repeatedly. So, EAOs will continue to keep arms for a certain period of time. They need this. The SAC and the NUG vowed to build a federal union but neither of them has rolled out their federal models. So, I think the ULA/AA will strengthen their force and continue to fight.”

   A conference of EAOs.

Peace talks and the federal union promoted by the SAC cannot be trusted, Chinese Affairs Expert Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw told the CNI.

She said, “We cannot trust them because they have been lying for nearly 70 years. So, I would prefer they didn’t. EAOs joining their peace talks are very tiny groups. No powerful EAOs have joined the talks. So, we don’t need to worry about them. Min Aung Hlaing made it clear that EAOs can keep their arms under the command of the military. That is his federal model. All EAOs are required to join with the military under his command. It is nothing to get excited about.”

The ruling body should take steps to build a federal union, U Tun Aung Kyaw of the policy-making committee of the Arakan National Party told the CNI.

He said, “As ours is a legal political party, we have sound policies. We want to build a genuine union. So, we have consistently called for a federal system. We submit motions for a federal system in successive parliaments. At present, we have adopted policies for a federal system. The ruling body today is an organization that understands the hardships of ethnic peoples. The very ugly and painful civil war has been perpetuated for 70 years because governments do not want to share the state power with ethnic peoples. In my opinion, the ruling class is not truly willing to fulfil the demands of ethnic peoples. If it had true willingness, equality, self-determination and a true federal union called for by ethnic people would have been recognized a long time ago. It is evident to the public why neither side has not rolled out their models.”

EAOs meet envoys from China and the United Nations.

SAC Chairman Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing said that they would build a federal union while the NUG vowed to do the same.

However, neither side has disclosed the details.

Although most ethnic armed organizations have called for a federal union, the AA has demanded the confederate status with a higher mandate.

On the other hand, the United Wa State Army, without talking about federal or confederate statuses, has created a situation similar to the one-country-two-system of China, according to political analysts.