CNI News

7 Sept 2022

Local residents accused an allied force of the Kachin Independence Army and the People’s Defence Force of killing a Shanni monk in Naung Park Village in Banmauk Township, Sagaing Region.

The monk, who was abducted and killed, was Naung Park Sayadaw U Gandhama and he was abducted by the allied force of the KIA and the PDF in the evening of 4th September, according to a local resident, who requested anonymity for security reasons.

Shanni Sayadaw U Gandhama at a concluding ceremony of a Shanni literature course.

He said, “The monk was abducted at about 6 pm on 4th September by about 10 members of the force and there were other members waiting outside the monastery. They neither tied the monk with ropes nor said anything about the arrest. Then, they asked for some layman clothes for the monk and brought him to the west of the village. At about 6.30 pm, we heard gunfire between Naung Park and Namtset villages. They came again to the village at night and took Shanni national activists to the place, where there were three pits, one of which had been refilled with earth. They told them that there were still two pits left for them and beat them before releasing them.”

Sai Kyan Aung on his release.

In the morning of 6th September, villagers went to the site and dug up the refilled pit but they saw the robe of the monk only.

Concerning the incident, the CNI contacted Spokesperson Col Naw Bu of the KIA for comments but did not answer the phone.

The allied force detained Vice Chairman Sai Kyan Aung (a) Sai Say Lai of the Shanni Youth Network on 15th June, 2022.

U Than Pe, who was assassinated on 25th June, 2022.

However, he was released on 24th June due to the request of Shanni civil society organizations, Shan civil society organizations and Shanni political parties.

Similarly, the allied force arrested U Suriya, who is presiding over the village monastery, and 15 villagers from Pinpon Village in the evening of 21st August and released them in the evening of 24th August.

Patron U Than Pe of the Shanni Literature and Culture Committee was assassinated in Haungpar Village in Hpakant Village in Mohnyin District in Kachin State was assassinated on 25th June, 2022.