CNI News

5 Sept 2022

The outbreak of COVID-19 has resurged in Myanmar, according to announcements of the Ministry of Health at 8 pm daily, and on 4th September, a total of 70 people tested positive.

Among the cases, 68 were local transmission and only two were people who came back from other countries.

They have made preparations to offer assistance to victims of the resurgence of the pandemic, Ko Wai Phyo of Saytanashin Charity told the CNI.

“The number of people who tested positive for COVID-19 has increased, according to the MOH. There were local transmissions. However, the number is not as many as before. We have made ourselves ready to offer assistance. We have testing equipment and swab tests, oxygen concentrators and cylinders. In our East Dagon Township, there were some COVID-19 suspects but no one has tested positive.”

At present, the highest number of positive cases and deaths was found in Yangon Region and patients were between the ages of 30 and 90.

The MOH has also prepared routes to transport patients, oxygen and wards for COVID-19 patients, Dr Than Naing Soe, the director of the Health Education Division of the Department of Public Health, told the CNI.

An oxygen distribution centre.

“If a patient tests positive, we will decide whether he or she will be placed at home or admitted to specialist hospitals like Yangon General Hospital and routes to transport the patient. Oxygen can be produced more than the highest level during the third wave. There are about 6,000 oxygen concentrators in hospitals and plans are underway to receive more from donors and the government budget allocation. Some people do not want to stay at home when they test positive because there are older people there. We have prepared treatment centres for such people. For example, priority is given to YGH in Yangon and to Kandaw Nadi Hospital and Traditional Medicine Hospital in Mandalay.  If necessary, we can expand the program to other hospitals like Waybargi Hospital and Yoma Centre.”

The number of cases has risen since August and some patients with medical conditions lost their lives. During the period from 11th August to 5th September, a total of six patients died after contracting COVID-19.

People who have not been vaccinated suffered severe symptoms in the current resurgence while those who were fully vaccinated had mild symptoms.

As current symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to those of the seasonal flu, people who suffer the symptoms for many days should go to hospitals and clinics.