CNI News

3 Sept 2022

The United League of Arakan/AA might be eyeing independence, Rakhine Politician U Pe Than told the CNI.

The Arakan National Policy Coordination Committee (ANPCC) organized a forum entitled the fundamental principle of human security to be adopted in building a new Rakhine State (or) future federal democracy union and suggestions. Despite being invited, the ULA/AA failed to attend the forum.

U Pe Than said, “The ULA/AA should not have responded in this way. It has demanded confederate status at least. The demand could not be accepted by the other side. Even if the ULA/AA had attended the forum, it would not have wanted to hold discussions with political parties like the Arakan Liberation Party. However, it was entitled to hold separate discussions and invited separately. As we do not have military might, we had to humbly request it to join the forum. However, the ULA/AA seems to have decided to build their own strength to the maximum and will shape what they want based on that maximum strength. It seems that it has such an attitude and was not interested in joining the forum. Everyone is talking about federalism but no one has rolled out the federal system they prefer. On the other hand, the ULA/AA has already demanded confederate status. So, it considers federal status is lower than their expectation and it wants more than what it has demanded or independence.”

A statement of the ANPCC.

The ANPCC organized the forum for the fundamental principle on human security to be adopted in building a new Rakhine State (or) future federal democracy union and suggestions from 19th to 21st August, 2022 and it was attended by 32 representatives from members of the ANPCC representing two Rakhine revolutionary parties, the Arakan Liberation Party, Rakhine political parties including the Arakan National Council, the Arakan National Party, the Arakan Front Party and the Arakan League for Democracy and three indigenous ethnic parties, 18 representatives of civil society organizations and three independent representatives.

All organizations in Rakhine State were invited to the forum but there were some organizations that failed to attend the forum, Coordinator U Khin Maung Tun of the ANPCC told the CNI.

A road junction in Rakhine State.

He said, “We invited all organizations in Rakhine State. All of them participated in formation of the ANPCC. I think they might have been too busy to take part in the forum. When the ANPCC was formed, all of them including all political parties, all revolutionary parties and a large number of civil society organizations representing women, persons with disabilities and the environmental sector. It can be said that we invited all organizations in respective sectors. Some of them joined the forum while other did not.”

The political trend the ULA/AA prefers and the political approaches of other organizations are not the same and he thinks the ULA/AA will build its strength and take its own path, U Pe Than said.

A statement of the SAC over the attack on the outpost at the 40-mile border post by the ULA/AA.

ULA/AA Commander-in-Chief Maj-Gen Tun Myat Naing disclosed that their organization prefers the confederate status similar to the Wa Special Self-Administrative Region.

Currently, the ULA/AA is enjoying the wider public support and clashes have broken out between it and the SAC troops.