CNI News

1 September 2022

Non-violent politics only is the inclusive process in which the entire people can participate, Chairman U Ko Ko Gyi of the People’s Party told the CNI.

He said that they uphold non-violent politics and believe political crises can only be resolved through political means.

U Ko Ko Gyi said, “We uphold non-violent politics consistently. We believe that will a comprehensive political landscape emerge only if efforts are made to create a political form in which each and every individual of the people can participate and to reshape a political means in whatever kind of crises. Armed struggle is not inclusive for all the people. Non-violent politics is inclusive for all the people. As a political party, we will try to strengthen and guarantee such a kind of politics as hard as we can. At present, we are working relentlessly under misunderstanding and verbal abuses to reshape a political form in which everyone can take part and to strengthen political means. I would like to the public to help and cooperate with our relentless efforts by thinking calmly. We believe that we will eventually have to solve the crisis through political means.”

U Ko Ko Gyi, the chairman of the PP.

Since the takeover of the Tatmadaw on 1st February, an armed revolution and protests have emerged.Although it is generally true that not all people can participate in the armed struggle, all the people can participate and cooperate as soon as the National Unity Government stages protests against the military, Political Analyst U Than Soe Naing told the CNI.

  A pro-democracy protest. (The Frontier Myanmar)

He said, “It is generally true that not all people can participate in the armed struggle. The public is made up of various layers. Maybe 10 percent of them will cooperate with the junta and another 10 percent may be indifferent to the political situation. Despite being indifferent to the political situation, the public has supported the call of the NUG to protest the junta by closing the doors of their houses. This reflected the support of the public. It is not true that the people do not support or participate in the revolution. It can be seen for all at home or abroad that the armed struggle is not supported or participated one way or another by the entire people.


U Than Soe Naing also added that activities of some supporters of the junta should not be considered that not all people support the armed struggle.

Meanwhile, some analysts concluded that the general public prefers armed struggle to political means.

Fighting has flared up against the junta as allied forces of ethnic armed groups and local people defence forces are waging armed conflicts against the junta in Karen State, Chin State, Karenni State and Sagaing Region and Magway Region.

More than 20,000 houses have been destroyed and over one million people have been displaced during the conflicts.