CNI News

27 August 2022

Local residents in Rathedaung have lived in fear of the resumption of clashes between the military and the Arakan Army.

Buthidaung, Maungdaw and Tathedaung are geopolitically sensitive areas under the spotlight of the world, Chairman of the Arakan Front Party Dr. Aye Maung told the CNI.

Dr. Aye Maung said, “The public is worried that the political issue that has sparked war on the western coast of Myanmar and the political storm of the world could not be resolved through dialogue at a very important sensitive strategic turning point by thinking carefully about the future by all sides. This is the situation unfolding at present.”

The Tatmadaw issued an order for village administrators to tell the Arakan Army to withdraw from all its outposts in Rathedaung Township by 25th August.

A police station in Angumaw. (CJ)

Since the order was issued, tensions between the Tatmadaw and the AA have escalated, forcing thousands of residents from four villages the Pyargyi Creek in Rathedaung to displace.

Currently, the villagers are taking shelter at families, relatives and monasteries other villages and facing difficulties for food and living, an internally displace villager in Rathedaung told the CNI.

He said, “We don’t war. We want both sides to solve issues between them peacefully. At present, goods are very expensive but we are displaced and cannot work for our living. We do not want to see any clash. Both sides should resolves their issues peacefully as soon as possible. We want to restore peace urgently.”

A road to Maungdaw. (CJ)

After armed clashes broke out between the Tatmadaw and the AA on 13th August, the Tatmadaw has prohibited travels and transportation of goods on Yaychanpyin-Angumaw-Maungdaw road and Maungdaw-Kyeinchaung road.

Although the Tatmadaw and the AA agreed to an informal ceasefire for nearly two years, tensions have run high between them recently due to administrative issues and armed clashes have resumed. The Tatmadaw and the AA have also made a number of arrests of each other’s members in Rakhine State.