CNI News

26 August 2022

The New Mon State Party, the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army and the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army – Peace Council will join the second round of peace talks with the State Administration Council.

The SAC, which held discussions with the three ethnic armed organizations separately during the first round of talks, will now negotiate with the EAOs simultaneously, Spokesperson Col Saw Kyaw Nyunt of the Peace Process Steering Team told the CNI.

He said, “We cannot confirm the news reports at the moment but it was learnt that invitations have been sent to the NMSP, the DKBA and the KNU/KNLA-PC for the second round of talks. The SAC said it would inform the EAOs of the exact date one week before the talks.”

The SAC chairman receives delegations of the PNLO, the ALP and the LDU.

The SAC held negotiations with the Pao National Liberation Organization, the Arakan Liberation Party and Lahu Democratic Union from 22nd to 26th August.

The SAC will hold negotiations with the NMSP, the DKBA and the KNU/KNLA-PC after the talks with above-mentioned thee EAOs.

Inclusive peace dialogue is essential for resolving the political crisis, Spokesperson Comrade Aye Lwin of the All Burma Student Democratic Front told the CNI.

He said, “If the junta wants to restore peace in the entire country, it needs to stop all offensives in Karen, Chin, Karenni and Kachin states and Sagaing and Magway regions and massacres and arson attacks against villages there. These are the demands not only of the Myanmar people and organizations but also of the international community. If they listened to the voices of the people and the international community, the peace process would be on its correct path, I think.”

The SAC chairman receives delegations of the SSPP, the NDAA and the UWSA.

Col Saw Kyaw Nyunt said that the PPST would try to create an inclusive environment for political dialogue based on building a union based on democracy and federalism.

He said, “The PPST believes that political dialogue will take place one day for our union, which is facing the current political crisis. The efforts of the PPST aims to pave the way to create an inclusive environment from talks, whether they are bilateral or tetra-lateral, to build a union based on democracy and federalism to guarantee peace for it.

The first round of peace talks with the SAC was joined by signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement including leaders of the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army, the NMSP, the DKBA, the ALP, the KNU/KNLA-PC, the PNLO and the LDU.

Similarly, non-signatories to the NCA including leaders of the United Wa State Army, the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA-Mongla) and the Shan State Progressive Party/Shan State Army took part in the first round of peace talks with the SAC.