CNI News

21 August 2022

Chairman of State Administration Council Senior General Min Aung Hlaing asked the UN special envoy why the United Nation does not recognize the SAC.

The SAC chairman raised the question at his meeting with Ms Noeleen Heyzer, the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary General, in Nay Pyi Taw on 17 August.

The SAC chairman asked, “The Tatmadaw took the responsibility of the State after declaring a state of emergency in accordance with the State Constitution (2008). While Myanmar has been taking lawful measures, it is incomprehensible why the United Nation does not acknowledge and there are many questions around. While the United Nations has been talking about non-interference, I wish to ge a clarification why the United Nations does not realize the measures we have taken?”

An anti-coup protest. (The Frontier Myanmar)

Political Analyst U Ye Tun told the CNI that the junta was likely the Western countries including  the US, which do not recognize the SAC whatever it says and was likely to question why the Western nations recognized the government of Thailand, which also had staged a coup d'etat.

U Ye Tun said, “From his point of view, he could have compared Myanmar with neighbouring Thailand, where the militry government was not critized as much as Myanmar has been. So, he questioned the Western countries why they had been imposing such severe sanctions on his junta. It has something to do the mindset of the Myanmar military junta. Western countries do not trust its mindset. Western countries have recognized the army of the Kingdom of Thailand considers itself as a professional army. Another factor is that it is a west-leaning army. Their democracy is more mature than Myanmar’s.  However, the Myanmar Army was born out of so-called socialism and left leaning military dictatorship. So, Western countries have more trust in the words of the Thai Army.”

The Myanmar Tatmadaw. (the EPA)

UN Special Envoy Ms Noeleen Heyzer called on the SAC to engage in dialogue with the oppositons for overcoming Myanmar political crisis, to place Daw Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest, to stop executions after the SAC has executed four democracy activists and to meet Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

The SAC chairman said, “While Myanmar was facing many difficulties, the UN and other organizations applied political pressure on them. Although we tried to elucidate, our representative was not accepted by the UN.

The SAC chairman told Ms Noeleen Heyzer, “The special envoy’s statement is one-sided and the SAC accepted the visit of the UN Envoy to improve the relations between the UN and Myanmar constructively.