CNI News

19 August 2022

The visit of Noeleen Heyzer, the special envoy of the secretary general of the United Nations, to Myanmar is unlikely to bear fruit for Myanmar at the moment, Chairman Khun Myint Tun, the chairman of the Pao National Federal Council told the CNI.

He said that the envoy’s talks with the SAC after the execution of four democracy activists including Ko Jimmy and Ko Pyho Zeyar Thaw would not result in tangible progress.

Khun Myint Tun said, “I would like to point out that any kind of communications between the UN and the SAC will not bring about any tangible progress for the current developments in Myanmar after the SAC executed four democracy activists including Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zeyar Thaw and Ko Thura Aung despite the strong objections from the international community including the UN.”

Ms Noeleen Heyzer arrived in Myanmar in the morning of 16th August and met with SAC Chairman Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing and Foreign Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin on 17th August.

Pro-democracy demonstrators. (the Forntier Myanmar)

UN envoy’s first visit to Myanmar in one and a half year would not lead to significant changes but each of the issues in Myanmar must be approached separately, Spokesperson of the Peace Process Steering Team Nang Yin Yin Soe told the CNI.

She said, “It also depends on the extent to which the current situation allows. So, it is difficult to exactly guess the result, which depends on how they discussed. We will have to move forward step by step. We will have to watch the discussions closely because it is her first visit to Myanmar in one and a half year and it was the first time she had been granted visa by the SAC. Then, we will have to take the next step. For example, Prak Sokhonn visited Myanmar visited twice, one visit after another. We must approach the issue like that. The analysis of the situation depends on the results of the talks.”

The UN should take the issue of Myanmar seriously, said Chairman Khun Myint Tun of the PNFC.

ASEAN Special Envoy Prak Sokhonn meets member of the PPST.

He said, “As the UN announced prior to the visit that the trip didn’t mean to give legitimacy to the regime, the statement made by President U Win Myint at the court is important because the military said state power was transferred to them. Actually, it seized power and the president also said at the court that he was ousted by the military coup. So, it is very difficult for the UN to recognize the junta. It is necessary for the UN to take the Myanmar issue seriously. The junta executed four democracy activists including Ko Jimmy amidst the objection of the entire international community. So, the junta will meet anyone who pays a visit to them as the last straw whether the latter says it recognizes the junta or not.

The SAC announced that it discussed promotion of trust and cooperation between the UN and Myanmar during the visit.

However, Ms Noeleen Heyzer office said the special envoy urged the SAC to release detained youths and to end violence.